It's Time to Stop Emotional Eating and Enjoy a New Relationship with Food

 No more guilt. No more shame. No more food obsession.

Get Instant Access Now for Only $397

Can you Relate to This?

  • You had an argument with your partner and all you can think about is escaping in a pint of ice cream.
  • You had a rough day at work, and your car automatically heads to the drive through on your way home from work.   
  • You find yourself staring into the kitchen pantry at night searching for something to eat (those cookies are calling your name!) 
  • You feel guilty, embarrassed, ashamed and distraught after eating emotionally.  
  • You're just totally overwhelmed because you feel like you’ve tried to overcome emotional eating but it hasn’t worked in the past. 

I totally get it. 

Here's the thing. There's no cookie cutter solution that works the same for everyone. I’m not going to try to convince you that there's a miracle solution to end emotional eating.  

But there's a way to make things a lot easier, and that's understanding this.... 

Food is Your Secret Weapon to Ending Emotional Eating for Good. 

When you give your body the right nutrition, you can better manage your emotions, moods and cravings. 

Armed with the right information and know-how, food can become your ally, and not your enemy. 

So, if you’ve been trying to end emotional eating by controlling your food, it’s time to take a step back and understand how to use food as your ally. 

But how do you do this when all the messages you’ve received in the past has been to control your food? 

Don't worry. It's really not complicated... 

So what exactly is Total Food Freedom?

Total Food Freedom is a program with exclusive modules, resources, and support designed to help you end emotional eating so you can enjoy a new relationship with food. .

The fact is that as human beings, we have emotions. And sometimes we want to soothe uncomfortable emotions with food. The problem arises when food is the ONLY strategy you have to cope with these emotions. This is when emotional eating becomes destructive.

In Total Food Freedom, you learn to identify the underlying reason you are reaching for food when you are not physically hungry, and you figure out what you really need instead. You will also learn how to feel these difficult feelings, and seek support when you need it.


Identify Your Emotional Eating Type and Triggers

You have to understand what kind of emotional eater you are and what triggers cause you to turn to food. Not understanding this is one of the biggest reasons why you still struggle with emotional eating. 

In this module you will... 

  • Get clear on what type of emotional eater you are and what your triggers are  
  • Tell the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger 
  • Know why you get cravings and how to stop them 
  • Discover why the strategies you have used in the past have not worked for you


Create Customized Strategies

Every situation and emotion that triggers a desire to eat will require a customized strategy to be successful. If you don’t have one, you will try strategy after strategy and likely end up eating anyway.

  • Learn the 4 key questions to ask yourself before you turn to food and eat 
  • Customize your strategies to match your emotional eating triggers 
  • Learn 3 powerful ways to meet your needs without food 
  • Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you open yourself up to being curious about your feelings 


Use Food As Your Ally

As an emotional eater, you feel that food has the power over you, it controls you. But, food can actually give you the power you need to end emotional eating.

Food actually isn't your enemy. It's your ally. 

  • Learn to balance your brain chemicals and manage your mood with food
  • Regulate your blood sugar and dramatically reduce your food cravings
  • Learn how to get the right nutrients to manage your moods, emotions and cravings
  • Enjoy new and delicious recipes to satisfy your taste buds and desire for new and exciting foods

A Personal Note.

You're tired of battling with food and you're ready to put emotional eating behind you. But trying to end emotional eating by NOT eating and trying to control your "diet" are the exact reasons you haven't had success yet.  

I know you're frustrated with your constant battle with food. But not to worry. You’re in great hands. My biggest gift is my ability to provide caring support and motivation as you rebuild the trust in yourself and your body and end emotional eating for good.  

After my 4th child was born, I spent the entire first year of her life overwhelmed, exhausted and depleted, suffering from postpartum blues. Peanut butter became my comfort. But, using my experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist and intuitive eating counselor, I was able to break my pattern of emotional eating in a kind compassionate nonjudgmental way. 

I have over 35 years of nutrition therapy and counseling practice experience. I am a Registered and Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I was trained and certified by the Original Intuitive Eating Pros. 

I've been able to take that experience and education and apply it to the people that I'm most passionate about helping – chronic dieters and emotional eaters. 

I’ve helped hundreds of clients end emotional eating and enjoy a life of guilt-free eating while achieving the body they love. 

I really want to help you too. Come with me and let's take a look at how we're going to do this together.

~Bonnie R. Giller, MS, RDN, CDN, CDE

Here's What's Included in the Total Food Freedom Program


You get instant access to all the step-by-step video training modules so you learn to cope with your emotions without turning to food so you can finally put an end to emotional eating.


For each Module, you'll get everything you need to take what you learn and put it into action, including Action Guides, worksheets, PowerPoint slides, and other resources.

MP3 Recordings

You can download the trainings to your phone or device and listen anytime and anywhere.

Plus Get These Special Bonuses

BONUS #1: Reprogram Your Brain Bonus Pack  

In this bonus package, you'll receive 3 BONUS TRAININGS that will teach you powerful techniques to rewire the neural pathways in your brain that were created by emotional eating.

Bonus #1: Practice, Not Reacting Technique 

This audio and supplemental PDF will help you train your brain to avoid reacting impulsively to emotional situations with food. Many eating behaviors are reactive responses, without thoughts, which is a form of mindlessness.

This training will help train your brain to build patience so you learn to not react impulsively to a craving.

Listen to the audio, download it to your smartphone and listen anytime, anywhere.

Bonus #2: The PTP-D Technique

This technique will teach you how to pause long enough to engage in a Q and A dialogue with yourself to help you determine if your next action will best serve you or not. Alternate actions are provided for your assistance.

Bonus #3: 60 Second Forecast Technique

This rewiring technique will help you see beyond the present moment to change your course of action in 60 seconds.

BONUS #2: 8 Easy Stress-Busting Foods & Recipes eBook

Discover the TOP STRESS BUSTING FOODS & enjoy EASY RECIPES to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to fight the negative effects of stress on your body, such as weight gain, elevated blood pressure, poor digestion, & nutrient deficiencies.  

BONUS #3 Emotional Eating Breakthrough Sessions

When working through the program, if you feel you need further support, you can schedule a Breakthrough Coaching Session with me for at reduced rate.

Just email me at to schedule.

“I know how to soothe myself when I am stressed, and I have even been able to break the habit of eating while watching TV.” 

“In my work with Bonnie, we explored all the situations that have led to my emotional eating and developed strategies to cope with them without food. The biggest one for me was to pause and think about what I was really feeling and what I really needed. I can now recognize boredom for what it is and find something to do that I enjoy, I know how to soothe myself when I am stressed, and I have even been able to break the habit of eating while watching TV. Celebrating with friends and family has become more about the people and less about the food. I have one girlfriend who I used to meet for lunch about once a month. Now we meet for a walk in different locations and get a chance to catch up on our busy lives and enjoy the outdoors and the scenery. It has become our new “habit” and I enjoy it immensely without food.” 


“I finally have hope that I am on the right track to ending my emotional eating.” 

“Bonnie, thank you for our call today. I feel so uplifted and finally have hope that I am on the right track to ending my emotional eating. It’s amazing how you were able to help me identify my biggest trigger for turning to food when I am not hungry, which I didn’t even realize until our call. You inspire me. I appreciate you so much, thank you! 


Bonnie has helped me on so many levels, helping me to be in charge of my eating.” 

“Before working with Bonnie, I was a very unhappy person. I was trying to work through a fair amount of personal issues. Simultaneously, I had no handle of what I was shoving into my mouth. Within 3 weeks of working with Bonnie, I was beginning to understand some of the “whys” I was eating so poorly. We spoke of so many aspects of my life, such as emotions and self-esteem and Bonnie was always able to tie it into my eating habits. Bonnie has reached me on so many levels, helping me to be in charge of my eating.” 


Here's a Summary of What You Get

3 Program Modules with 10 Video Trainings (Value $1,000)

Action Guides and MP3 Recordings (Value $200)

BONUS 1: Reprogram Your Brain Bonus Package (Value $197)

BONUS 2: 8 Easy Stress Busting Foods & Recipes eBook (Value $27)

BONUS 3: Emotional Eating Breakthrough Sessions at a reduced rate.

The total value is $1,424

Frequently Asked Questions:

“How do I know this program will work for me? I’ve tried so many programs before and nothing has worked.”

I totally understand your concern. But stop and think about those programs you tried, and what your mindset was when you started. Was it to lose weight? If it was, then your focus was all wrong. 

Ending emotional eating isn’t about following a weight loss program; it’s a program to help you understand why you eat when and what you eat when you're not physically hungry. In other words, what is your emotional hunger really a symbol of, and what needs in your life are being unmet that you're trying to meet with food. If you don’t figure these things out, which I am teaching you in this program, you won’t be able to end emotional eating and won’t ultimately release the weight you want to release.

“I love food. Does this program tell me that I need to turn away from food like all the other programs out there?”

No, not at all. Restriction never works. Instead, we embrace food and learn how food can help manage your emotions and cravings. Like my client Nelly says: “The idea of embracing food to help with my journey to end emotional eating was a life changer for me. Bonnie’s Total Food Freedom™ Program helped me understand the process, helped me understand how I can biochemically shift things using food, not just to feel better or to escape, but using food to actually give me the energy and vitality and the things in life that I really want.”

How much time do I need to devote to the program? 

The program is designed for you to complete the modules at your own pace. No pressure. You will also have lifetime access to the trainings, so you can feel at ease. There is no rush.

Is there a refund policy?

Because you get immediate access to the full course, modules and bonuses, there is no money back guarantee. I have no doubt that you'll find a ton of value in the course.